Ladycross Infant and Nursery School

Summer 1 What is exciting about the seaside?



18.04.24 Conkers Trip

19.04.24 Parental Engagement - Wind Turbines

In this term's No Outsiders, Everyone Welcome lesson. we will be using the book That's NOT how you do it!
In maths this half term, we will be building on our great number skills by focussing on multiplication, division and fractions. We will also start work on position and direction.
In writing this half term we will continue to use The Write Stuff approach. We will continue to build up our writing resilience and will start this term by using the rather wonderful book, Clean Up! Later on in the term we will also read the exciting book, Pirate Mums.
In phonics we will be focussing on revising and consolidating all of the phonics sounds and common exception words we have learnt to date to ensure that we are all ready for the Phonics Screening Check that will take place in June. 
In science we will be learning all about flowers and plants. We will name parts of plants and trees, and plant some seeds of our very own!
In geography we will be learning all about the United Kingdown. We will teach the children the countries that make up the United Kingdom, the names of the capital cities and the names of the seas that surround us.
In art will will be turning our attention to sculpture and the concept of 3D art. We will be learning how to create 3D structures and expressing our views on art that we can see.
In ICT lessons, we will be learning all about internet safety.
In RE this half term, we are learning all about Judaism.
In PSHE this half term we are learning all about money. We will think about how we can keep our money safe, what it means to spend and to save and how banks and building societies can help us. 
In music this half term we will be investigating sounds we can make with our bodies and voices.  
In PE we will be learning skills that are needed for us to be able to play a range of ball games and having learning learning about invasion games!

Victoria Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG10 5JD