Ladycross Infant and Nursery School

Nursery - Home learning

Home Learning

We would like to share with you some ideas that could be used to support learning at home.

Keep talking!  Encourage your child to talk about what s/he has been doing.  Also encourage them to listen carefully to what others are saying and to ask questions.  

We want to encourage reading for pleasure so please encourage your child to look at a range of books, both fiction and non fiction.  It would be great if the children could talk about the pictures.  


Phase One Phonics is fun!  Listen to the sounds all around and use words to describe what you can hear. Make sounds using your voice, your hands, your feet.  Play games with rhyming words, identifying which words rhyme or which words are the odd ones out.  Listen to the sound at the beginning of a word - what sound can you hear? Make up silly sentences where all the words start with the same sound. 

e.g. Laura licks a lemon lolly! 

Click here for  Phase 1 home learning ideas

Encourage your child to write, draw and make marks.  It is important that they are able to tell you what it is they have written or drawn.  


In Nursery we use Numberblocks as a starting point for introducing children to numbers and counting.

Click here for Numberblocks episodes

We want to encourage the children to be curious about and interested in numbers.  Encourage them to count objects but also other things like claps, jumps and steps that they take.  Look at numbers and try and match the correct number of objects to the numeral.  Make groups of objects - are they the same or does one group have more?

Look for shapes around the house.  What shapes can you see?  




Victoria Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG10 5JD