Autumn 1
Upcoming events
10/10/24 - World Mental Health Day - Wear Yellow
22/10/24 & 23/10/24 - Parents' evening - 3:45 - 6:30pm
25/10/24 INSET Day - School closed to children
We will be starting off by looking at fiction and non fiction texts. The texts we will then be looking at are: Katie in London and The sunflower |
In the first term we will be looking at numbers to 100. We will be understanding how many 10s and 1s in each number and counting in 2s, 3s, 10s and 3s. We will then spend a significant amount of time on addition and subtraction. We will look at ways of making 10, adding 3 1 digit numbers, finding the difference and using the knowledge of 10s and 1s to add and subtract. |
What conditions are best for growing plants? We will be looking at germination and what plants need to begin growing. We will look at how a seed turns into a full plant. We will be planting bulbs at the front of the school to watch how they grow. |
What are the capital cities of the UK? We will look at all the capital cities of the United Kingdom. London, Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh and their features. |
African call and response song We will explore African call and response songs through repeated sound patterns, following a beat and the use of percussion instruments. |
Mapping It out We will be looking at how maps can be considered art. We will create 2D, 3D and printed maps. |
Computer systems and networks We will be investigating the question 'What is a computer?', focusing on inputs and outputs and how we can control computer systems. |
Where do Muslims worship? We will be looking at the places that are special to Muslims and the special book they read. |
Families and Relationships We will be looking at 'What is a family?' and the different types they can be. We will discuss relationships between family members. |
Victoria Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG10 5JD