Ladycross Infant and Nursery School

Summer 2 What Makes Someone Super?

Coming soon...

w/c 10.06.24 Phonics Screening Check week

w/c 24.06.24 Transition

w/c/01.07.24 Olympic Week

                                                                                                     In this term's No Outsiders, Everyone Welcome lesson,  we will be using Max The Champion by Sean Stockdale and Alex Strick.
In maths this half term, we will be building on our great number skills by focussing on numbers to 100, money and time.
In writing this half term we will continue to use The Write Stuff approach. We will continue to build up our writing resilience and will start this term by reading the book a Superhero Like You. We will end this term practising a range of key skills so that everyone is ready for the journey into Year 2!
In phonics we will be focussing on revising and consolidating all of the phonics sounds and common exception words we have learnt to date to ensure that we are all ready for the Phonics Screening Check that will take place in the second week of June. We will then finish off the term ensuring that we know all of our common exception words as well as alternative sounds.
In science we will be investigating to see if plants are superheroes. We will look to see how we can identify different plants and trees from their leaves and learn about what super powers plants have.
i In history we will be carrying out a comparative study on the nurses, Edith Cavell, Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale
In DT we will be learning how to join materials and designing and making our very own puppet!
In ICT lessons, we will be learning all about internet safety. We will also brush up on some of the other computer skills we have learnt this year.
In R.E. we will learn about what makes some places sacred.
IN PSHE this term, we will be completing some transition work ready for the move to Year 2 and competing some well-being lessons.
In music this half term se will learning about what pitch and tempo is and even having ago at creating our own piece of music.
In PE we will be learning athletic skills that may come in handy for our Sport Day later this term and will learn all about striking and fielding. 

Victoria Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG10 5JD