Ladycross Infant and Nursery School

All you need to know about Robin Class

Welcome to Robin Class in Nursery! Our teachers are Mrs Higgins and Miss Henshaw and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Flint.

Our Morning sessions are 8.50am-11.50am and our afternoon sessions are 12:30pm-3:30pm. Children can also stay all day.

Lunches and Snack

Children who are with us all day can bring a packed lunch or have a School dinner. School lunches are £2.41 a day. Dinners are selected and paid for on our online system Arbor.

We also provide a daily snack at a cost of £1 a week or £10 a term. Snack payments will now be managed on Arbor.

If providing a packed lunch please do not include sweets, nuts (including nut spreads) or fizzy drinks as part of your child’s lunch. 

Key reminders

 Please label or mark everything your child brings to nursery including their lunch box, water bottle and clothing items.

Please provide a bag of spare clothes in case of accidents which can stay at the nursery on your child’s peg.

Please discourage your child from bringing toys to nursery, as they may get lost or broken and we cannot take responsibility for keeping them safe.

Throughout the year, your child will experience outdoor as well as indoor activities that may include running, balancing and generally being active. With this in mind please send them in weather appropriate clothing and suitable shoes.

Victoria Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG10 5JD